Friday, 4 April 2008

S5: Jodie Foster - La Vie C'est Chouette

"Y a tant de nuits sans avenir qui se refusent à finir."

Today's stepping stones bring us to the B-Side of both of Jodie Foster's two official music releases, both of which came out in France in 1977, when she was 15 years old, Je T'attends Depuis la Nuit des Temps & When I Looked at Your Face. I can thank a variety of sources for the presence of this song, all three of which are worth your attention:
Foster can be seen in Nim's Island, out today - how convenient! - over in the US and next month here in the UK. Not that I'll be going to see it (I am, in its defense, not exactly its target demographic), but relevant information is what I aim to provide here.

I'll be back after the weekend. I am thinking this will be a weekdays-only blog. I have added some links to the side panel for your perusal. It contains those blogs that I have visited since starting my own and tracks their updates so as to provide a 'live' feed. This is useful for me, as I know when they've been updated, and you, as you might find something to your tastes at these sites. Particularly recommended is the Contrast Podcast, to which I am now a regular contributor. Expect to hear me again in next week's episode.

As usual, I try to provide a video. This is of Foster, performing Je T'attends Depuis la Nuit des Temps.

Download: Jodie Foster - La Vie C'est Chouette (from Ubu Web - relevent entry here)

IMDB profile

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